Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rock and Roll? TOTALLY DUDE (partylikearockstarpartylikearockstarTOTALLYDUDE!)

Japanese music sounds so much better live.

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of what they play on the radio over here, but you tend to get a different feeling from it when you hear it live. Or maybe it was just the people performing it.

Yesterday, one of the ALTs around my way played his first gig with his band. Location? In a approximately 20ftx20ft bungalo in the middle of a tea field in the mountains. No joke, the area looked like the Predator's hunting ground.

Half the songs that were played were Japanese songs whose titles I was familiar with. However they sounded totally different from what I was used to hearing on the radio here. I thought the show was great for a first one. Next one is going to be dope!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sleez-bag Mechanics: Future Ramsy

So I never really knew the guy known as "Ramsy", but I've heard many stories. And based on these stories, this is how I believe he turned out. Sung Han Kim would be proud.